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    Ghaith Abdulla

    Co-Founder, Bayt AlMamzar

    Gaith Abdulla is a writer, Gulf studies specialist and cultural entrepreneur based in Dubai. His research focuses on socio-politics of the Gulf and its intersection with the region’s contemporary art and culture. Gaith is the co-founder of collecting-and-research platform Engage101 and co-founder of Bayt AlMamzar, an independent arts space fostering experimental and critical artistic development in Dubai.



    Q: When did you know that working in the creative sector was going to be the right fit for you?

    I’m currently driven by something a mentor of mine has concluded for himself and his artistic practice: when you reach the stage of play as work that’s peak performance, meaning when you’re able to see work as play and understand play as work, that's the ultimate form of existence.

    Q: Did you go to university, and if so what did you study?

    I studied law & politics as an undergraduate and international studies as a postgraduate.

    Q: Do you have any quirky habits that have proved relevant to your work?

    Yup have tons of quirks, mainly OCD related, not sure if any of my personal quirks have been relevant. But side note is that I notice people with ADHD (or whatever currently correct term) traits can be brilliant ideas people (like superhero grade brilliant) if/when they’re able to effectively channel their hyper attention/activity and be consistent.

    Q: Most inspiring moment in your career, or person you have worked with?

    Luck had me unemployed at a moment in time allowing me to take on work as Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim’s studio assistant. I would drive from Dubai to Khorfakkan daily for the best part of a year to assist Mohammed on creating his paper-mâché sculptures. It was the most rewarding, fun and enriching employment I’ve ever experienced. Highly recommend artist assistantships, very low pay but hugely rewarding.

    Q: Why is the creative field in the UAE exciting at the moment?

    The Gulf region is witnessing a historical moment, it is the political centre of gravity in the region for the first time in history and that puts a spotlight on how its contemporary cultural ecosystem functions and what it produces.

    Q: Most underappreciated role in the creative sector?

    Everyone but the one person at the top of the pyramid. The spotlight of success is always given to individuals: the curator, the director, the artist, the producer, the ceo, etc. This is a false narrative that again drives us to behave individualistically and egocentrically. Essentially I believe that every single person under the individual at the top of the list of credits is under appreciated.

    Q: In your opinion, what is the most surprising success story that has come out of the UAE?

    The earth beneath us is moving so fast. To know you’re in a historical moment is extremely rare and exciting, the UAE itself at this moment in time is the most surprising success story, what is happening here and now is crazy and everything about it is surprising, exciting and invigorating, also very often can seem hollow, nerve racking and frustrating, it’s a tricky and confusing time but filled with opportunity and some signs of light at the end of the tunnel.